I need to buy a new computer, my current one sucks very badly. I found an off lease comp http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7526478&CatId=2628 for 214 usd, it has good specs. However, someone I know suggested going tohttp://dealnews.com/c48/Computers/Desktops/?h=800&o=price and look for a deal there. However, it seems that the off lease computer is the cheapest option. The best thing I could find atm is http://www.dell.com/us/dfh/p/inspiron-660/pd?refid=inspiron-660&baynote_bnrank=0&baynote_irrank=1&~ck=dellSearch&isredir=true&dgc=BF&cid=27740&lid=1172981&acd=10549103-552179-VVNRaEZ3b0JDallBQURBUTU3NEFBQU90 which is almost 200 usd more expensive. So far I've saved up 140 usd and I'm not sure how much more I can make. So which one should I buy? I'm sort of worried that the off lease will last half a year or something.