How good does a fan have to be to run SLI well?


Nov 24, 2014
Looking at buying a fan for dual gtx 970s. Whats a good fan thats not too expensive for this purpose and helping other components?
I dont want liquid cooling, dont want to fuss with it.

Reading what i wrote doesnt make sense *facepalm*.

I am technically speaking about everything inside. I am new to all of this. Is heating a problem with GPU?

But anyways i just want tto keep my whole system cool so im just planning that out.

My bad
Co Corsair Graphite Series 230T Orange ATX Mid Tower Case rsair Graphite Series 230T Orange ATX Mid Tower Case

This is the case ive been recommended along with the cheap 212 evo.

Its a 30~ dollar fan but if i can spend 40 more to do the job better i wouldnt mind.