I have an old Dell deminsion 4600, it's not doing anything and hasn't for a while so I think it'd be cool to set it up in the corner as a dedicated VPN, don't really know what I'm doing but really want to learn in some way. From what I understand you can set one up pretty easily in windows
Basically I just want to know, is any kind of serious hardware needed? Will a Pent 4, with 1 GB DDR RAM suffice? Do I need any kind of router or will my n600 be enough? From my school (going for IT Network Security) I get all kinds of free windows licenses, do I want to use Win7, server 08, or something more lightweight for my old machine like XP?
Basically I just want to know, is any kind of serious hardware needed? Will a Pent 4, with 1 GB DDR RAM suffice? Do I need any kind of router or will my n600 be enough? From my school (going for IT Network Security) I get all kinds of free windows licenses, do I want to use Win7, server 08, or something more lightweight for my old machine like XP?