Question How hard is to break tempered glass side panels?


Mar 15, 2012
Most prebuilt PCs these days have tempered glass side panels. It seems near impossible to find a prebuilt that has a non-glass side panel.

That being said. I'm kind of terrified of spending $2000 on a PC just to accidentally shatter the glass side panel.

I've heard horror stories on forums of people shattering their tempered glass side panels.

So how hard is it really to shatter a tempered glass side-panel? Are there any precautions I can take to avoid shattering a side panel?

Also, is there anywhere where I can find prebuilts that don't have glass panels?


JayzTwoCents did a piece about 15 months ago;

I'd suggest making sure that the side panel isn't struck with a sharp object as there have been instances where the side panel just disintegrated when said sharp object struck it. Ofc, there's the thickness of the glass in question as well as the object that's heading towards it. Uneven tension across the mounts, such as those where a case is slightly warped and the thumbs screws were causing the panel to slightly bow would also add to the possibility of the glass shattering when an abject is hurled towards it.

As for your question about system's that come with a tempered glass side panel, they are generally packaged very well to prevent the panel from shattering. If they did shatter during transit, then contact seller asap.