How high can i overclock my gtx 650

LOL get some ballz . . . . mine is at +250 core clock and + 500 ram clock and fine........ yeah cpu overclocked too from 3.4 to 4.0 on stock fan. All this been running for years. I have never hurt a video card by overclocking, you will see the artifacts and lockups far before you will hurt anything. Just learn have to try things to learn to understand them.............
It works perfectly fine on +200 gpu clock and +500 mem clock on 1100mV voltage. I've been trying to achieve 250 core, but even on max voltage (1137mV) I get these freezing moments at the worst time in the game (War Thunder).
My max oc atm is 228+ on the Core clock, and 295+ on the Memory clock. If i go a single Mhz over i just crash straight away. Can't believe some of you guys got 500+ Memory clock, that's amazing!
I got my Core Voltage at max 50+ (Using MSI Afterburner) How did you guys manage the 500+ ?
I'm OC'ing my MSI Geforce GTX650 atm. im at +190mHz core and +62mV core voltage. I'm currently increasing my mem. and I'm at +220mHz atm.

Will post the final OC when I'm done.

Btw. Any1 in this thread still using this GPU today?