How is my first build?


Mar 24, 2014
First time builder here! Went ahead with an AMD build and wanted to keep it around $800

All feedback is welcomed, and any tips on oc would be nice. I managed to get my GPU to 1115 core clock and 1500 memory clock but can't seem to go higher as I don't know how to up the voltage. CPU OC'ing is still pretty foggy

It's not that difficult once you get around it. I recommend FSB overclocking (this is the type that controls your motherboard, ram, and CPU speeds together at the same time -depending on the ratio you set).

If you want to overclock your GPU even further, you're gonna have to unlock your GPU to be able to control your voltages and up your Core speed and Memory even higher (but if your games are running fine maxed out, I see no reason to unlock and overclock it right now as it will raise your GPU temps). Good luck!
Nice build. I'm not sure that PSU is the best choice for overclocking.

You rarely need to up the voltage for GPU overclocking, but I'll leave this for someone else with better experience to answer.

The only way you should overclock a CPU is through BIOS. Never overclock using software programs. There are a lot of videos on YouTube on how to overclock an AMD CPU (It also depends on your motherboard's BIOS interface, and sometimes you need to flash your BIOS to overclock your CPU). Also, keep in mind that when overclocking your CPU, you're also overclocking/downclocking your RAMS, depending on the overclock ratio that you set. What I mean is, your RAM clocks are tied to your CPU's clock change. With the CPU's clock change, your RAMs clocks will change accordingly.

It's not that difficult once you get around it. I recommend FSB overclocking (this is the type that controls your motherboard, ram, and CPU speeds together at the same time -depending on the ratio you set).

If you want to overclock your GPU even further, you're gonna have to unlock your GPU to be able to control your voltages and up your Core speed and Memory even higher (but if your games are running fine maxed out, I see no reason to unlock and overclock it right now as it will raise your GPU temps). Good luck!