How is this for an upgrade?


Jul 11, 2017
I am thinking about upgrading my cpu but to do so I will need a new motherboard and new ram, what do you think?

My build right now:

Motherboard - H97M-PLUS (SOCKET 1150)
CPU - i5 4430 @ 3.00GHz
OS - Win 10
Ram - 16gb DDR3
GPU - 1x gtx 650 1x gtx 970


Motherboard - ASUS PRIME B250-Pro (SOCKET 1151)
CPU - Intel i7-7700K
OS - Win 10
Ram - 16gb DDR4
GPU - 1x gtx 650 1x gtx 970
If you are spending the money on a 7700k, you should also buy a Z series motherboard. If you never plan on overclocking your CPU, buy a 7700 and the B250 mobo in your list. With going to the new build, make sure you have a quality PSU as well, I would go with a Gold rated one. After you buy the CPU, mobo, and RAM, start saving to replace BOTH of those GPUs. You'll be in good shape to get a 1070, 1070ti, 1080, or 1080ti depending on what you need for the resolution that you'll be gaming at.
If you are spending the money on a 7700k, you should also buy a Z series motherboard. If you never plan on overclocking your CPU, buy a 7700 and the B250 mobo in your list. With going to the new build, make sure you have a quality PSU as well, I would go with a Gold rated one. After you buy the CPU, mobo, and RAM, start saving to replace BOTH of those GPUs. You'll be in good shape to get a 1070, 1070ti, 1080, or 1080ti depending on what you need for the resolution that you'll be gaming at.

My PSU is the corsair ATX/EPS 80 PLUS Power Supply Unit, 650 W is t hat good enough?
The wattage should be ok, but only an 80 plus is the lowest rating available, it is below Bronze. If you must use it, for a while, only run 1 of your GPUs, the 970 and then you should replace that PSU before buying your new GPU.

Maybe a stupid question but why do I need a gold PSU and what PSU would you reccomend?

change your cpu to an i7 7700 it your going w/ a non-z board. but why not just go w/ the 8th gen chips? i5 8600k and a z370 board. it's around the same price anyway. or a little cheaper tbh. the i5 8600k is on par w/ the i7 7700k in some games. the 6 actual cores really helps compared to the i7's 4 cores 4 threads set up

How is this?
Motherboard - ASUS Intel 1151 Socket Z370 Chipset Prime P ATX Motherboard
CPU - i5-8600K
OS - Win 10
Ram - 16gb DDR4
GPU - 1x gtx 650 1x gtx 970
And what PSU do you think?

the other parts should be good. but honestly, if your planning to OC your proc to 5ghz w/ the two cards. 750W +80 bronze/gold should be pretty close. it will give you a little bit of head room to OC the GPU as well. also get a good cooler for the CPU since all k series CPU don't come w/ a stock cooler