How is this gaming pc build?


Jul 13, 2013
I am planning on building a gaming pc and so far these are the parts I have chosen. I plan to play games like Skyrim, Far Cry 3, Just Cause 2, etc, and I want to play the games on about medium setting getting about 50-60 fps. I also wish to have sharpshooters enb mod for Skyrim with a similar frame rate but I can lower the quality. Would this suffice for what I plan or should I improve this a little. I don't have a specific price range but cheaper is better. (I also wish to avoid Intel and Nvidia as AMD is cheaper)

Aldo, if anything is incompatible or something of that nature please bring it up, this is my first PC build and the first time I will be building a PC. If there are better builds for around the same price (give or take 100-200 dollars) please tell me that as well. Thanks



CPU fan:

DVD Drive:


Power Supply:

Video Card:

Hard Drive:



That is a good monitor. The minimum card we suggest for 1080p gaming is the GTX650ti BOOST 2GB.
Even more reason to drop the SSD and spend more money on the GPU so you can game on 1080p.
OK no get a FX6300, its MUCH better but not much more than the 4130.
Also if you are looking to overclock or dual graphics card setup, a 990FX chipset board is suggested.
Also, an SSD will not get you better gaming performance. If I were you I would drop the SSD for a better graphics card since that one is not really that great.

What resolution monitor do you have?

I plan on getting a new monitor, at this url: ( ) or at least something of that nature.


Two questions.
=/ /
One: Is the 990Fx, which says its a AM3, compatible with the FX-6300, which says its an AM3? (I don't know much about motherboards)

Two: I heard from many places an SSD with decrease the time it takes to get game files which will decrease load times and will slightly increase performance. Is any of that actually true?


You need to check the motherboard specs to confirm compatibility, but mostly its compatible.
Only loading times are improved, so lets say you fast travel in skyrim to another city it will slightly decrease the time it take to load it, but as for frames per second, not at all.

Okay thanks for the help.

Another quick question, if I do overclock, do you know if the fan would be good enough to keep the CPU cool enough? Also, are some CPU's better to overclock than others?


Okay. One (hopefully) last question. How many watts would I need for the system and so that, if I ever decide to, I could add a second video card. Also (guess it wasn't one last question), I saw this CPU ...Would I even need to overclock it or, if it helps, would it overclock decently?

Okay thanks for your help... again.