How log time to get used to a new gaming chair (DXRacer)


Aug 6, 2012
My old chair had signs of being used, the frame under my seat was starting to crack so i desided to get a DXRacer Drift (thumbs up for lifetime warranty on the frame), i am 171cm, 5'6" tall and are about 250lbs,110kg i should go for height when choosing a DXRacer gaming chair and then my weight

MY thighs are a bit big and i can feel the side of my chair, here he said that it takes time to get used to a new chair (almost like shoes, i think it's especially when you come form a cheap non ergonomic chair before), but how long?
Did you buy one or are you deciding on which one to get?

I'm 5'10/11" and 250lbs and I went with the OH/KF06/NB (king series) partially because I knew was gonna need a wider seat. I upgraded from a fairly old and worn memory foam ergonomic chair.

Right off the bat I could tell it felt really nice. The head/neck pillow is perfect height for my neck.

I like generally everything about the chair, except for one thing. I'm a bit used to sitting crossed legged (one leg on top of or under the other, "indian style") or bow legged with my feet resting on a stool.

The shape of the base makes it a bit awkward/slightly uncomfortable to get my legs into those positions though.

I'll also address your question as the video you link helped me be able to answer. According to it, the king and the drift have the same foam density. I found that the chair didn't need any breaking in to get soft, and I'm typing this from a sh****y hard foam office chair at work right now and my butt is starting to hurt.

You should notice right away how comfortable the chair is if you're "used" to the cr***y office chairs most are.

And I'm also in the process of breaking in 3 new pairs of nikes, and I can compare that the chair doesn't feel like it needed any great deal of breaking in either.