How Logitech Uses Machines to Stress Test its Keyboards

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Impressive numbers, but what does it mean? How many keystrokes an average gamer uses in weekend session. Perhaps if I install a key logger I will get my answer.
They need to stress test asd keys 100x more and w key 1000x more.
Pretty cool though, but they don't stress all the keys.

"but the company did tell us that even more rigorous testing takes place in its labs in Asia."
Hehe, humans testing them?
Impressive numbers, but what does it mean? How many keystrokes an average gamer uses in weekend session. Perhaps if I install a key logger I will get my answer.
Big fan of Logitech keyboards here. I have had one for more than seven years, still works flawlessly and the keys are in better condition than on some cheaper brand new ones.
"Pretty cool though, but they don't stress all the keys."

They don't have to. Why would the "d" key be any more prone to failure from repetitive use than the "y" key? Testing multiple keys at the same time speeds up the process, it shouldn't alter the failure rate.
The keyboards will fail if left in a hot dry environment for two years. Whether the keys are pressed or not. They will also fail if you drop liquid on them. They want to impress us with the keystrokes and not look at the real reasons the keyboards go bad.
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