How long will a Gaming PC last for me?


Nov 16, 2014
Hi, I was wondering, say on average, how long will a gaming PC last for me? I'm aiming to play games at mid to high graphic settings, currently I have to following configuration:

i7 3770 (not overclocking)
8GB Vengeance RAM
Consair GS600 PSU

I wonder if I still want to be able to play games like BF4 at Max settings, how many years would I have to upgrade/rebuilt my PC once? (\Will just buying a new GPU do, or will the entire rig have to be rebuilt?)

Another thing is I have 400 bucks and I'm considering spending it on the GTX 780, is it worth it? Will my 3770 CPU's bottleneck my GPU soon?


How long is a piece of string?

You only need to upgrade when your current build can no longer play games at the graphical settngs and frame rate you want. For some, this could be two years and for others, it could be five years.

You'll probably find that your GPU is the most frequently upgraded component, due to it being the most important for gaming. The GTX 670 may be a few years old but it's still a very good performer. Is it worth upgrading to a GTX 780? No, in my opinion, as a GTX 970 is a much better card. That said, if you're happy with your GTX 670, don't upgrade at all. It will easily play BF4 at maximum settings.