How long will I be "Maxing Out" Games for with the 980 ( 1080p )

A hard quiestion to answer. It also depends what frame rate you need...

If your looking for 60 fps then your ok (far cry 4 performance preview):,review-33099-3.html

However if you want 120 or 144 fps (for high frame rate monitors) then you'd already have to be dialling the detail back. Also upcoming games like Star Citizen are already capable of bringing any single card to it's knees now at 1080p so probably not all that long.

That said you can get *huge* frame rate boosts from turning off a couple of settings like advanced AA which make virtually no difference to the image quality so it probably isn't an issue.


Dec 19, 2014
I was thinking the same thing regarding a 980. I was going to get a 970 or 980, but I think I am going to wait for the first 20nm card with my i5 2500k @4ghz. I think at 1080p, max settings, 50+fps, games in late 2015 and 2016 may have trouble. Especially since they are going to focus on the new consoles/pc. I can see new games having trouble at max settings. Just my guess.