How long will your Graphics Card last after baking it to fix it?


Nov 27, 2006
I recently had a bunch of white lines on my screen. Figured out I could bake my graphics card to fix it and did it. It worked. I have a 460 gtx.

So how long do I have before it breaks down again and I need a new graphics card?

Do you know any good places to pick up a used or card cheap. Was thinking of going 760. I plan on upgrading next year with a new build and whatever the equivalent of a 970 is (1070) so I'm not looking to upgrade with a 900 series card yet.

I'm looking at Ebay though and it seems a bit expensive $120-130 for a 760. I'm looking at EVGA's B Stock lineup and I can get a 750ti or a 580 for a $100 and that comes with a year warranty. Unfortunately they don't have a 760 for sale.