How many compression fittings do I need minimum.


May 3, 2017
My parts are listed below

XSPC Razor​ GTX 1080 ​/ 1080 Ti
Razor GTX ​1080 / 108​0 Ti Backp​late
XSPC Rayst​orm Pro CP​U Waterblo​ck - Intel​ White
XSPC RX360​ Triple-Fa​n Radiator​ V3 - Whit​e (x2)
XSPC X4 Ph​oton 170 R​eservoir/P​ump Combo

and I will be using
EK G1/4 Th​read Perfe​ct Seal Co​mpression ​Fitting - ​10mm ID x ​13mm OD (3​/8" x 1/2"​) - Black ​Nickel

XSPC Razor​ GTX 1080 ​/ 1080 Ti you will neeed 2 here
Razor GTX ​1080 / 108​0 Ti Backp​late nothing for this as its only a backplate
XSPC Rayst​orm Pro CP​U Waterblo​ck - Intel​ White 2 here
XSPC RX360​ Triple-Fa​n Radiator​ V3 - Whit​e (x2) 2 here
XSPC X4 Ph​oton 170 R​eservoir/P​ump Combo and 2 here

To keep it looking nice, use...
Hello... Just for common general use/design information... a "compression" fitting is typically used on the "High" pressure side of the system... or the Pump outlet... feeding the Pump will be the "Low" pressure side... and requires a less expensive fitting (barb/clamp?)and hose from the reservoir to the pump.

XSPC Razor​ GTX 1080 ​/ 1080 Ti you will neeed 2 here
Razor GTX ​1080 / 108​0 Ti Backp​late nothing for this as its only a backplate
XSPC Rayst​orm Pro CP​U Waterblo​ck - Intel​ White 2 here
XSPC RX360​ Triple-Fa​n Radiator​ V3 - Whit​e (x2) 2 here
XSPC X4 Ph​oton 170 R​eservoir/P​ump Combo and 2 here

To keep it looking nice, use compression fitting all around, regardless of water pressure, going to barbs and clamps makes thing start looking ugly.

8 x compression fittings in total, however, before you go out and buy them, you need to start thinking about how and where you tubing is going to route, hard tubing or soft tubing, you will need extension fittings to clear the fans on the radiator if you're using push pull config, so if you are your going to need 2 x 20mm extention fittings, also think about angles, you may need some 90o or 45o angle bends, this is who I use for my parts, im in the UK, he's a great bloke, very helpful, and these are the parts I use (im using 7/16 tubing by the way): - compression fittings. - 20mm extension - 8mm extension - 90o angle - double 45o rotary

Ive got an EK Revo D5 pump and res with the 110mm tank, EK supremacy Evo Nickle + Plexi water block, 2 x 240mm radiators.
