You will get some good frame rates with this setup on low settings probably above 60 fps. I used an fx 6100 with a radeon 7850, similar to what you have and I was getting anywhere between 40 and 100 fps on bf3.
You will get some good frame rates with this setup on low settings probably above 60 fps. I used an fx 6100 with a radeon 7850, similar to what you have and I was getting anywhere between 40 and 100 fps on bf3.
does a factory superclocked card heat up more than a original? becausue I dont know if I should get the SC version of my GTX.
It does heat up more but the company that makes the card puts a better heat sink in it so you won't have to worry about it getting too hot and you will have a warranty.
It does heat up more but the company that makes the card puts a better heat sink in it so you won't have to worry about it getting too hot and you will have a warranty.