how many fps will i get in gta v ?

Lucifer himself

Jul 23, 2016
f i run this game on high or medium will i get 65+ Fps ?

my rig :
CPU :Intel Xeon W3565
GPU : Zotac GTX 950 amp 2gb edition
Ram : 12GB
Monitor res : 1440x900 60mhz
GTX 950 user here.
I got 50-60 fps with High+Very High settings and none of the advanced graphics turned on. (I use 1366x768 but it shouldn't differ that much)
Very High would be playable for me with 45+ fps if not for the stutters.
GTX 950 user here.
I got 50-60 fps with High+Very High settings and none of the advanced graphics turned on. (I use 1366x768 but it shouldn't differ that much)
Very High would be playable for me with 45+ fps if not for the stutters.

if i run it on all high only will i get at least 65+ ??

Yes. No question.
Question from Lucifer himself : "can i get at least 70 FPS on gta V ?"

can i get 70FPS on GTA V if i run it on medium-high with Full Distance Scalling ?
MY Rig :


What is this Full Distance Scaling and where can I find the settings for it ?
I don't have GTA V anymore so I can't give any more information and test.