Most of Windows' security problems over the past decades would have
been avoided if the OS had been built from the start with a proper
foundation of file ownership and access permission concepts (oh wait,
that's UNIX...) Instead, Windows has a bucket load of bolted on nonsense
which has never worked properly, full of glitches and crazy behaviours.
I'm not buying the notion they can turn Windows around into something
inherantly secure, their track record shows no intent to do this. Always
amazes me the planet's corporations have never tried a vast lawsuit to
force MS to sort it all out.
PS. The downvotes are amusing.
Facts are facts, Windows never had
any inherant concept of file ownership, and that made it an utter security
nightmare from the very beginning. Ever since NT it's just been a bolt-on
mess which doesn't really work. Tried meddling with file ownership, etc?
It's utter garbage in Windows, always has been.