[SOLVED] How much airflow do I really need?


Jul 31, 2020
So I am planning on putting a 1650 super gigabyte version in my old HP Envy 700 (with an i5-4440 processor), but the HP envy's original case has almost no airflow just one 120mm exhaust fan that seems to work fairly well as my CPU never goes above 60 degrees Celcius even under intense loads. Physically I have enough space and all the connections for the 1650 super but I need to know If I should plan to buy a new case like a cougar MX330 and stick in some extra fans or do you think I can get by without. (The CPU cooler is a janky low profile cooler master cooler by the way.) Thanks so much to anyone who replies to this question!
I'd get a new case regardless.
HP Envy 700 has small/loud fans and basically no airflow. Not meant for having gaming grade graphics inside.

Also make sure, your PSU is sufficient to support GPU upgrade.
Sorry about my nagging money is always tight and I just wanted to know if I need to set aside the 70 dollars or so for a new case and case fans. I reckon you are right though. Worst case scenario I can open up the sides and aim my fan towards the case. Thanks so much for your help.
Do not try to solve a problem that you most likely do not have.

You can try an oc if you wish, but realize that graphics card vendors bin their chips and use the better ones in factory overclocked versions
that they can sell for more. You may be able to OC more, but then again, perhaps not.
They try to differentiate by adding cosmetics and fancy coolers which also sell for more.
I do think you get fair value from a modest factory overclocked card.
If you need more performance, then buy a higher tier card in the first place.

And... I am not impressed with the cougar MX330 case.
It has only two front 120mm intakes and a limit of 155mm for a good air cooler. 160 is usually needed.
the power supply has 3 spare 6 pin connectors for the 1650 super.
As said above get the video card and check the temps. It is ok to go up to 90c but we want to keep it at 80 to 85c under full load in a AAA titles. Honestly you really don't need a case but lack of a intake fan in the front kinda blows goat but it is ok so long as your CPU is 60c or 70c when gaming that is very low. That CPU can go to 85c and not sweat so your covered my friend. Enjoy the new video card and 1080p gaming with medium to high settings. Things like AA and turning on option in the nvpanel is something you can test to see how much it hinders your FPS however you will get less jaggies and smooth eye candy and what not. 🙂
Awesome! If I want to do a wee bit of overclocking on the 1650 super will I need better airflow for that do you reckon?
Their usually very little to gain trying to overclock a factory overclocked video card/ if you have some heat issues first set a custom fan curve for the video card if that is not sufficient then add a higher CFM fan to replace the original in the case.