How much bottleneck does the GTX 970 will get if I use an I3 4150?


Jan 28, 2019
I wanna upgrade my graphic card from a GTX 750 to a GTX 970 but I'm afraid that my I3 4150 will bottleneck it severely.

The games I mainly play is:
-No Man Sky
-Dota 2

Does my I3 really affect the performance of the GTX 970 and if so, how much?
While an i3-4150 will hold back a 970 in most instances ('how much' is too broad a question as it'll vary), it should still be a healthy step up in performance results vs a 750.

CS:GO and (I believe) Dota2 are relatively CPU intensive - where you'll likely see the 970 held back a bit.
I don't really know anything about No Mans Sky at all, so can't comment.

Thanks for the response! May I know roughly how many percent is bottlenecked due to the i3-4150?

Thanks a bunch for the help!


Don't trust anyone who talks about "bottleneck percent," as they don't know what they're talking about.

Don't trust any website that purports to calculate a "bottleneck percent" as they are worse than useless.

There's no direct correlation to which cpu goes with which graphics card.

Monitor resolution and refresh rate, as well as the specific games being played, are what's more important.

I so which they could somehow shutdown EVERY "bottleneck calculator" website.... :pfff:

Thanks for the information! I will keep that in mind.