A ataraxeygaming Prominent Oct 2, 2017 59 0 630 Oct 7, 2017 #1 I got an 970 OC edition 2 years old and a i7 4790 2 years old was wondering how much I could sell theses for?
I got an 970 OC edition 2 years old and a i7 4790 2 years old was wondering how much I could sell theses for?
vrumor Judicious Jan 17, 2012 7,747 1 35,015 Oct 7, 2017 #2 Look on ebay under completed auctions and it will give you an idea.
4745454b Retired Mod Apr 29, 2006 29,242 449 93,590 Oct 7, 2017 #3 Motherboard included? CPU goes for ~$200 I think. That was a common price for used I7s. I just linked someone a 960 that someone was asking $95 for, I'd assume the 970 would be ~$125. $300 if you combo them.
Motherboard included? CPU goes for ~$200 I think. That was a common price for used I7s. I just linked someone a 960 that someone was asking $95 for, I'd assume the 970 would be ~$125. $300 if you combo them.