How much difference will I see when upgrading monitors?


Nov 5, 2015
Okay so my specs are:
Processor i5 4690k (not overclocked, stock cooler)
GPU gtx970 (I think it's gigabyte)
8gb of RAM.
Asus z97-a 3.1 mobo

I'm doing this all off memory and I built it last December so if there's any other specs you need just let me know.

Anyways so right now I have a 1440x900 monitor and I'm thinking king of upgrading to 1920x1080. As of now I play basically every game at ultra settings. I mostly use the GeForce fame settings, unless it try to rate my games lower than I can actually play it at, then I jump it up. For instance I play witcher 3 with the ultra preset the game has and I get around 50-60 fps. I think k that would probably be the most extensive game I have.

So how much of a difference will I see upgrading my monitor?
Your system is fine for most games with high/ultra settings @1440P, on a game like Witcher 3 you may need to lower the settings a bit.
As you can see it's a tougher game to run but dropping the settings down to around med/low would give you a framerate around 60.

TBH, either (high graphic, low res or high res, low graphic) is fine with me as long as the gameplay is smooth at 60 FPS or higher depending on your monitor. Your MB does support SLI if you wanted to get a second GTX 970 (PSU would need to be a good quality 700W(+) unit) and that would give you near GTX 980 ti performance which is plenty for 1440P/Ultra settings...
Its a decent* step up but one thing you could try using is Nvidia DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) which will allow you to render a larger resolution then scale it back to your native resolution. By doing so it helps improve image quality.

What is your budget for a monitor?

I do use 4K DSR for games like DBZ: Xenoverse and the improved image quality is noticeable over 1080P.
Your card/CPU is perfect for a 1440P Gsync monitor. Cost wise, unfortunately a Gsync version is still taking a $299 freesync clone monitor up above $400 and you are a bit weak with a 970 without Gsync for the future. I'd at least look at the 27" Gsync 144Hz screens out there, even if TN as for a few dollars more it would be so much better for gaming.

I wasn't home when I responded to the thread, but I checked out that DSR thing. And on my control panel I think it says i can do 2800x1800 on my 1440x900 monitor if I chose DSR is that correct? It also says (4.00x) what does that mean?
Those values (2.00X/4.00X) are multipliers for your current resolution. You can check off which ones you want to use. By checking them all off you can try various higher resolutions with DSR (changed through game settings) and see which one works for you while maintaining the FPS for a enjoyable gaming experience.

This however, is no replacement for a good quality 1440P monitor but it may make your games look a bit better while you save up enough money for a decent monitor.
how does my build stack up against 1440p gaming? I hear its hard to max out games at that resolution with just one card? I'd rather play games at max at a lower resolution than low or medium at a higher resolution. I think at least. What's your input on that? What do you think is better? higher graphics at lower resolution or lower graphics at higher resolution?
Your system is fine for most games with high/ultra settings @1440P, on a game like Witcher 3 you may need to lower the settings a bit.
As you can see it's a tougher game to run but dropping the settings down to around med/low would give you a framerate around 60.

TBH, either (high graphic, low res or high res, low graphic) is fine with me as long as the gameplay is smooth at 60 FPS or higher depending on your monitor. Your MB does support SLI if you wanted to get a second GTX 970 (PSU would need to be a good quality 700W(+) unit) and that would give you near GTX 980 ti performance which is plenty for 1440P/Ultra settings.

One thing to remember though is if you do decide on a higher resolution monitor things such as AA don't make much of a difference for graphics and will end up taxing the GPU more then it needs too, I tested this out on a 4K HDTV with BF4. Tried Ultra settings with full AA and it brought my system to its knees @like 15-20 FPS but as soon as I disabled AA my framerate jumped up to around 60 FPS. The difference graphic-wise wasn't noticeable.