How much does it cost to run my computer each month?


Sep 30, 2015
Can someone good at math tell me what the average monthly cost of running my computer would be?

I know there's no way to find an exact number, but i just need an approximate estimate, preferably a low-high range

I run two monitors, first one is 1920x1080, the second is 1680x1050.

My computer has an i7 4770 intel core processor, GTX 760 graphics card, 16gb ram, 500w power supply.

I probably use my computer around 8-10 hours a day, but a lot of that would be just doing homework which wouldnt use a lot of the cpu, so average per day i would say 4-5 hours of that would be gaming.

Playing my most cpu intensive game, dying light, which i dont even play that often, uses about 40% of the cpu.
everything else uses about 1-4% of the cpu.

average cost of kwh per hour being 12 cents.

When i am not using it for an extended period of time, i put the monitors to sleep, and when i go somewhere or go to sleep i completely shut everything down.

Just show me a formula of how you got it, with the range of what it would cost to run each month.
Thank you in advance, and sorry if this is in the wrong location.
30 days * 10hr/day == 300hr/month 200 to 400W instantaneous usage == .2 to .4KW instantaneous usage. 300hr x .4KW usage == 120KWh / month. 120 * $0.12 == $14.40 / month.

Thank you