Just to judge the scale of Power the 280x (Specifically the XFX 280x) has, I'm going to list a bunch of Games and see how well they'll run in terms of FPS, depending on the quality setting I put on them (most likely ultra for all of them). Here we go:
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Lowest Settings and Highest Settings/Ultra
Grand Theft Auto 5: Ultra Settings; Predicted FPS based on whatever factors suit your prediction
Watch Dogs: Ultra Settings
Planetside 2: Low-to-Ultra Settings
I think that's it. Just an FPS number or so will be appreciated.
- Daniel
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Lowest Settings and Highest Settings/Ultra
Grand Theft Auto 5: Ultra Settings; Predicted FPS based on whatever factors suit your prediction
Watch Dogs: Ultra Settings
Planetside 2: Low-to-Ultra Settings
I think that's it. Just an FPS number or so will be appreciated.
- Daniel