hamidd1234 :
Rationale :
hamidd1234 :
Rationale :
It's certainly a CPU bottleneck. The Phenom 9600 wasn't good when it was new, and now it's 7 years old. It's also just about the worst CPU in existence for Minecraft, due to how it handles multiple cores (or rather, how it doesn't handle them).
do you think this would be a good upgrade? http://www.newegg.ca/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1800154
Yes. It's not an amazing CPU ofc, but it's strong for the price and would remove the bottleneck from your HD 7770. Also, if you upgrade your GPU in the future, the Athlon 750K is very easy to overclock for at least a bit of future-proofing.
If your main priority is Minecraft or MMOs, the Pentium G3258 is a better option.
If your main priority is most other games, the Athlon 750K ends up being roughly as good of a choice. A bit lower framerates than the Pentium G3258, with a bit better frametime variance to make up for it.
How much fps do you think I would get with the athlon 750k compared with the intel Pentium? Will I be able to max out minecraft with 100fps?
With an HD 7770 and Pentium G3258, yes, you should put Minecraft on ultra at around 100+ fps. However, that's really not necessary, as most monitors only display up to 60 fps (60hz means it refreshes at a frequency of 60 times per second). Even turning vsync off does not allow the monitor to display more frames; it just allows the video card to draw more invisible (useless) frames.
The downside to vsync is not that it limits performance (because it doesn't), but rather that it consistently adds several milliseconds of input lag due to an inherent synchronization problem between monitors and video cards, regardless of your framerate.
There's no denying that Minecraft would benefit more from the Pentium G3258 than the Athlon 750K.
However there's a mod for Minecraft called Optifine. It allows Minecraft to use more cores effectively, and would partially close the gap between the Pentium G3258 and Athlon 750K. In fact, you may want to try Optifine with your Phenom 9600 and see if it helps.