How Much Is My CPU Worth?


Feb 18, 2014
I'm selling my i7-2600 that came from an HP All-In-One so it doesn't have a box or the cooling. I've only used the CPU for about 3 months and so when I took it out it looks brand new. It still performs flawlessly. How much do you think it's worth if I sell it now? No box or cooler (Has small all-in-one/laptop cooler) so it won't go for a whole lot, but they cost $430 on amazon new, and $270 or so used. Thanks for the help, I'm saving up for a I7-4790K and Asus Z97 Motherboard so I thought since I won't be using this computer I might as well sell the parts. Thanks :)
I've looked around, and I'd estimate the i7-2600 in used condition is worth around $230-270 US Dollars. That's without the original packaging and stock heatsink/fan.

All the best. :)

The prices on Ebay are all over the place, however the only one with a bid was around $160.

I wouldn't pay much for that chip. You'll get brand new, better performance from a new i5 in a similar price range. I'd put it up for sale at $175, and you should be able to find a specific buyer who wants to upgrade/replace an old CPU in an older motherboard.
@Alec Mowat They sell all the time on amazon for around the price Obnoxious said I was just wondering if it was worth that much in pretty much new condition, but no box or fan.

Edit: Thanks for the answer btw Obnoxious. :)
Are you certain people are buying them, or they're just listed?

The only people who would be in the market for that chip are people replacing or upgrading an older motherboard. I can't see anyone buying it as a new setup. I would price it to sell, not price to profit.
They're just listed and they sell too so I don't see why everybody is saying it won't. Plus, the i7-2600 isn't a bad cup like some of you think it is. You can't clock it up to 3.9 Ghz and it's not a K so that pretty good IMO.

For selling, the only thing that really matters is what they actually sold for. You can put whatever minimum price you want on it, but if it does not sell, it does not matter.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying for $250, you can buy a new CPU that will out perform it. You can get an FX-8350 for less than $200.

The only people in the market for an old processor are people who are A. Replacing a dead CPU or B. Upgrading old hardware.

It's not rare or hard to find, and it's not as fast as a newer i5. Plus it is a used processor; they go through a lot of stress in their life time and the history of overclocking is unknown, processors don't really hold a good used value IMHO.