How Much is my Gaming Pc worth, 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 (5.9 on hard drive score)

Nope, I would not pay more than $400 for that PC unfortunately. The HD6770 is not a great gaming card and the CPU is outdated. No SSD, very little storage space. You wont be able to swap any of that stuff for this PC unless someone REALLY wants a PC and has those things just lying around.

costed wayy over 1,000$ just for the parts but its beena little over a year ago too

A year ago these components were outdated already. Take the 500$. Its the best you gonna get.

it might have run you more then 1k in parts... but it's used... and i can build a better pc brand new for like 600... heck toms did it with their cheap pc build... that pc would slaughter this thing.

Sorry to be the barer of bad news but re-selling pcs is a poor way to get some scratch. especially these days. Maybe 10 years ago you could recover most of what you put into it, but right now its a buyers market, not a sellers.

I know what i'm talking about, i do a lot of ebaying and craigslisting. unless you get lucky you're not gonna sell it for more then 300 or so... and then the top end will likely be around 500 (not more). In parts however, you might scratch out close to 500-600. depends on how well you ebay. Could be a lot less if you suck at it.


and don't judge your pc's worth by what people are asking for similar systems on craigslist. Most people on craigslist don't sell squat at the price they're asking... because they all ask WAY TOO MUCH.

i can confirm that... my Phenom II x4 965, with a 9800GT actually pulls a better windows experience score then the OP's does... mostly cause my HDs are in RAID 0. All my other scores (HD 5.6) are within (plus or minus) 0.1 or 0.2 of the OPs... and in reality, OP's machine is better then mine in any bench you could run.

so yeah... windows experience scores are completely worthless.