How much is my PC worth (wanting to sell it)


The 680's worth about $80. It has a lower end H61 board which means no OC'ing. The 2320 is worth about $45. It's not a desirable Sandy Bridge CPU like the 25 or 2600K. I can't see the HDD. can show us everything except for the PSU and the case.
I would then give the specs for my Vivo Titan mid-ATX case and my 500W EVGA 80+ PSU. It helps to be as specific as possible here and especially wherever you're selling it.

About $250 at best if it has a valid and activated Windows OS.

Here's the hard drive and I'm not too sure what my PSU is.


You would have to open the case. It should have a sticker on the side which will offer the make and model number. Still about $250. Nice size HDD. Slow at 5900(Odd, I was expecting 5400RPM. Wonder if that HDD started its life in a rack server) rpm but nice.