How much is my pc worth?


Jul 21, 2014
I am looking into selling and building a new pc and I wanted to know of how much my current tower is worth. Here are the specs:
CPU: Intel I7 3960X Hex Core 3.3 GHz (Water Cooled)
RAM: 16 GB DDR3 (Quad)
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 750 Ti FTW + Nvidia GTX 480
Storage: 500 GB Samsung SSD + 2 TB WD Green + 500 GB WD Blue + 1 TB WD Blue
PSU: 750W
Case: Alienwear Aurora R4

Thanks for your time
Sort of strikes me in the $900-1000 range.

EDIT: Honestly though, even from that generation....if you're gaming, a GPU all-the-way upgrade should still be able to capably handle today's game and VR.

I would definitely wait to see if Broadwell-E will support 3D-Xpoint (as Kaby Lake), or if not, consider waiting until Skylake-E or the great Zen for your upgrade.
So basically I'm looking to possibly upgrade to this:
i7 5820K
2X 980ti EVGA Hybrid
16GB DDR4 Ram (4GB x 4 prob)
Asus x99-A/3.1 mobo

I need to sell this current pc for about 900. Do you think I would be better off selling locally on craigslist or online like ebay?

$900? Not a chance.

Not $900 for the new pc! sorry for the unclear post! I mean that I already have some money and I need $900 more to build it so, I need to sell my current pc to get the other $900.

Right.. This PC...
CPU: Intel I7 3960X Hex Core 3.3 GHz (Water Cooled)
RAM: 16 GB DDR3 (Quad)
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 750 Ti FTW + Nvidia GTX 480
Storage: 500 GB Samsung SSD + 2 TB WD Green + 500 GB WD Blue + 1 TB WD Blue
PSU: 750W
Case: Alienwear Aurora R4
------------------ not worth $900.

I think that's what he was saying not a chance to. I'm sure that PC was very expensive when you bought it but the GTX 480 came out in 2010 and the 750 Ti is a low budget GPU from 2 years ago. No one is going to pay $900 for a used PC with parts that old.

The good news is that your 6 core CPU at 3.3GHz will probably hold up pretty well in modern games. You also have plenty of RAM. What I would do is just buy a single 980 Ti to replace the 480 and keep the 750 Ti as a dedicated Phsyx card since it's low power.

Unless you are trying to play at 4K that should be able to handle any modern game you throw at it. If you are trying to play at 4K then I would buy 2 980 Ti for SLI and forget the 750 Ti. Either way this would be much cheaper for you than starting a new build and your asking price of $900 for your current parts just isn't going to happen.

I am running into some power issues where I don't actually know how much power the psu puts out as it has no model number on it. I was also thinking of getting a new case with more space for drives as I have run out of physical space & sata connectors. I also do a lot of heavy web server work so I kind of need to upgrade the ram to at least 32GB. Unfortunately, the mobo only supports 4 sticks (all of which are currently populated) of ram so I am faced with a new decision to make: new mobo or new ram. My final problem with this pc is that if I did upgrade the psu, there are special contact points for the side panel lights screwed onto the psu. (I do have an EVGA SuperNOVA 850 G2 80 Plus Gold Fully 850W Modular Power Supply that I could use if it could supply enough). Some may say that the side panels not having lights is not a big deal but I really would rather just buy a new case. For all of the reasons mentioned above, I have drawn the conclusion to just sell what I have and build a new machine. Do you think that I am making the right decision or should I try and upgrade?

For an upgrade I would estimate the cost being about $1,200. Would it make sense to pour this much into an old build like this?