How much is my power conumption per hour for my PC


Oct 20, 2015
hi i have i7 6700k non-oc, nvidia geforce gtx 970 g1 gaming non-oc, maximus hero viii mobo. 32gb ddr4 ram tridentZ 3200mhz , 2tb seagate HDD ,samsung evo 500gb SSD thermatake nic c4 cpu cooler, and 3 case fans. my psu is 850w
A little more than 300W per hour, a bit more if you include the monitor and/or you have a UPS. What model/make is your PSU? It's efficiency makes a small difference.

I assume that you game, and the number is for an hour's intense gaming. On and idling is a lot less.
A little more than 300W per hour, a bit more if you include the monitor and/or you have a UPS. What model/make is your PSU? It's efficiency makes a small difference.

I assume that you game, and the number is for an hour's intense gaming. On and idling is a lot less.
Its cheap to buy a power monitor plug and will tell you kwh. You'll be looking at 320-350 pulled from wall. So 3 hours gaming will be 1 kwh....multiply that by your energy company £/kwh.

I always wonder why people are so bothered. Spend 1200£ in a pc and pennies an hour to run!