How much is this mobo/cpu/ram combo worth?

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Sep 14, 2018
I may be thinking of upgrading my mobo, cpu and ram. The parts I have right now are:
Msi Z77A-G45
16gb Ram DDR3 1600mHz

How much could I sell it for? I've had them for less than a year, so they're in a good shape.

Thank you for your help!
For the whole thing maybe 100-150 bucks, used computer prices are wonky, people on ebay think 3 and 4th gen Intel chips are worth the same cost as a brand new 8th gen i3 which delivers the same if not better performance.
For the whole thing maybe 100-150 bucks, used computer prices are wonky, people on ebay think 3 and 4th gen Intel chips are worth the same cost as a brand new 8th gen i3 which delivers the same if not better performance.
Based on Classifieds sold in the last Month.

I7-3770 - $75-$85
Msi Z77A-G45 $40-$50
16gb Ram DDR3 $50-$70

As a Combo $140- $175

Ebay tends to have a much larger markup on anything with Intel's name on it.
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