how much longer will 1080p gaming be around

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Mar 15, 2015
Im only asking because with these new gtx 1070 and 1080s comming out. Will 1080p gaming still be around for awhile or will alot of people be switching to 1440 or 4k
I think 1080p is on the way'll be there for a while like CRT...but gamers are moving to 1440p and 4k (when a single GPU can support it).

I'll never buy 1080p again..4k is next monitor (after my 1440p PG279Q)

1080p gaming will be around for a VERY long time. Over 65% of players are still paying at lower resolutions and only about 5% above.

Take a look at the Steam survey:

Now, if you were talking about enthusiasts(since the cards you mentioned are for them), 1080p will persist because many still prefer higher framerates and cards to last them over 2 years, and GPUs are not there yet for 1440p and 4k.
Until the time comes when there are more 4k games than 1080p, that won't be for a while. Not all games scale well to 4k, so there are good arguments to stay at that size. It is only this new generation of cards that can run 4k without a sweat, plenty of people who have less powerful cards still want games to play.

Games themselves have nothing to do with it if it's still in 16:9. Atleast not games from teh last 10 years.

I wont be able to get a gtx 1070 so i wanted to know if its worth it if i get a gtx 970 when they drop in price. Since i am pretty sure they will drop even more when the gtx 1070 and 1080 comes out. I refuse to spend over 250usd for a gpu.
some games i play were made before 4k was a thing though, so there is that.

i wish i could get them so cheap but I am not in USA. I couldn't get one for much less than 4x that amount. Therefor I cannot even look at them really.

I would wait for the 1070 to come out and get a second hand 970. People will be selling them like crazy.

Even if they were made before 4k was a thing they will work just the same, so long as we are talking about 16:9. Worst case scenario, they'll need a few changes in an ini file.
Just because YOU can afford the latest and greatest right as it comes out, doesn't mean everyone else does.
As I mentioned before, some people are still using Vista. Why? It still works for them. Why would an average person (not a hardcore gamer) pay a huge premium to be able to play games at higher detail?

This thread is over three years old.

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