How much of a Bottleneck Could a FX 8350 Cause with a GTX 1060?


Aug 6, 2016
As said above, just wanna know because I'm on a bit of a budget, and would like to multitask, I wouldnt mind nit having an upgrade path.

The FX-8350 being virtual eight cores is a great processor for multitasking.
It depends on the task or game you play, performance wise. Some MMOs and recent AAA games are more demanding of the CPU however there would be little or no Bottleneck with a GTX 1060. You can also OC your FX-8350 for some improvement in performance.

The FX-8350 being virtual eight cores is a great processor for multitasking.
It depends on the task or game you play, performance wise. Some MMOs and recent AAA games are more demanding of the CPU however there would be little or no Bottleneck with a GTX 1060. You can also OC your FX-8350 for some improvement in performance.
