How much of an improvement can I expect from a 660 ti to a 780 or 290X? Which is better?


Nov 1, 2012
Im upgrading my system, and I want to know how much of a performance gain can I expect? I mostly play Arma 3 and BF4.

My specs

Fx 8350 @ 4.7 w/ H60
Sabertooth R2
Win 8.1
750 watt psu

If you're playing BF i would suggest that you get the r9 290.
Wait for reference coolers though. And when they come, jump on them as fast as you can!

If you're playing BF i would suggest that you get the r9 290.
Wait for reference coolers though. And when they come, jump on them as fast as you can!

the 290 or the 290x? Is it better than than the gtx 780? I am wary of AMD now. 8350 is a beast with power and heat, and it kicks my butt daily 🙁