Is this 850W PSU good for 280x crossfire ? or should i go with more powerful PSU 1000W or 1200W?
I will not buy both of 280x in same time i just want to have PSU that can support them in future(probably buying second one next year).If i go with crossfire does that mean that shading units, texture mapping units, compute units, memory, clock speed and pixel rate will be doubled ? I play bf4,bf3 and i will buy hardline,i just hope that single 280x can give me at least 60fps in game.
Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0
Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H55
other part such as HDD,sound card,optical drive and others will be taken from old pc,they dont need much power.
I will not buy both of 280x in same time i just want to have PSU that can support them in future(probably buying second one next year).If i go with crossfire does that mean that shading units, texture mapping units, compute units, memory, clock speed and pixel rate will be doubled ? I play bf4,bf3 and i will buy hardline,i just hope that single 280x can give me at least 60fps in game.
Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0
Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H55
other part such as HDD,sound card,optical drive and others will be taken from old pc,they dont need much power.