So i have an Corsair RM1000w gold certified psu and im running on a z107a msi gaming pro board,a msi 980ti twin frozr OC'd and a i7 6700K cpu with a 4,7 ghz OC and ddr4 corsair vengeance ram 4x4 gb.
I was wondering if i sli another twin frozr into the system,will i have enough power? I set my gpu on oc mode with the msi game boost program(1279mhz) and it should consume about 390W of power. So i was wondering how much power would two of them consume if i oc both? does the wattage stack? how much more does a cpu thats 0,5ghz overclocked consume? I really really dont want to get another psu cuz a 1250W psu is way too expensive as ive allready spent over 2 grand on the pc and id like to manage another gpu next year and be done with the build even if i have to decrease the OC on the gpu's. What do you think guys n girls?
I was wondering if i sli another twin frozr into the system,will i have enough power? I set my gpu on oc mode with the msi game boost program(1279mhz) and it should consume about 390W of power. So i was wondering how much power would two of them consume if i oc both? does the wattage stack? how much more does a cpu thats 0,5ghz overclocked consume? I really really dont want to get another psu cuz a 1250W psu is way too expensive as ive allready spent over 2 grand on the pc and id like to manage another gpu next year and be done with the build even if i have to decrease the OC on the gpu's. What do you think guys n girls?