How much power would my system need if i want to sli?


Aug 10, 2015
So i have an Corsair RM1000w gold certified psu and im running on a z107a msi gaming pro board,a msi 980ti twin frozr OC'd and a i7 6700K cpu with a 4,7 ghz OC and ddr4 corsair vengeance ram 4x4 gb.
I was wondering if i sli another twin frozr into the system,will i have enough power? I set my gpu on oc mode with the msi game boost program(1279mhz) and it should consume about 390W of power. So i was wondering how much power would two of them consume if i oc both? does the wattage stack? how much more does a cpu thats 0,5ghz overclocked consume? I really really dont want to get another psu cuz a 1250W psu is way too expensive as ive allready spent over 2 grand on the pc and id like to manage another gpu next year and be done with the build even if i have to decrease the OC on the gpu's. What do you think guys n girls?

Usually, it will just shorten the lifetime of the PSU if you do that. The danger to the cards and other components is dependent on how gracefully the PSU dies, IE does it take anything else with it. Still, so long as the PSU is kept reasonably cool, that shouldn't be a problem, especially in modern PSUs that are not of low quality like a Raidmax or Logisys piece of garbage.

Your PSU should be fine. It is a good model and its power output is right where it should be for GTX 980 Ti SLI with overclocks and a good CPU.
1000w is more than enough. You could probably even run this with 850w.
An OCd 980ti will not even be close to consuming 390w.

So just stick to your 1000w unit you can do any OC you can imagine with that. :)

Im running a 2600k @4.2Ghz and 2 780TIs in SLI (which consume more power than a 980ti) also both OCd with a 860w unit, so really no need to worry.
For your system including OCed i7 6700k and 2x heavily OCed GTX980Tis, will need around 1000-1100W using rough estimation. 1250W PSU is already not a bad choice.
If you are leaving those GTX980Tis on default speed, you need only around 850W. Just to let you know.

BTW, use this!

Edit: (forgot to mention)
choosing power rating is also connected to your operating plans.
If you are using the rig about 8 hours daily, 1000W is already enough for all your OC plans.
If you plan to leave it on 24/7, you will need around 1100W.
I don't believe that each card can consume more than 300W, let alone almost 4000W. Assuming each cards is pulling around 275W (and that's pretty high), that's 550W from the graphics and the rest of the system will probably be around another 100W to 150W. Worst case scenario with these numbers, you're looking at about 700W being consumed. Throw in a strong 40% to 50% buffer (700W x 1.5 = 1050) and a good 1000W unit should be perfectly suited to the system.

Also, migronesien, a GTX 780 Ti and a GTX 980 Ti consume almost exactly the same amount of power in gaming. According to Tom's the 980 uses a little bit more.,3663-17.html,4164-7.html

A decent 860W unit isn't likely to crap out or anything from being overloaded with your configuration, but it isn't ideal and won't be running as efficiently as a similar model with a somewhat higher power rating.

Usually, it will just shorten the lifetime of the PSU if you do that. The danger to the cards and other components is dependent on how gracefully the PSU dies, IE does it take anything else with it. Still, so long as the PSU is kept reasonably cool, that shouldn't be a problem, especially in modern PSUs that are not of low quality like a Raidmax or Logisys piece of garbage.

Your PSU should be fine. It is a good model and its power output is right where it should be for GTX 980 Ti SLI with overclocks and a good CPU.