I personally believe it is worth the extra $dollars. Games are now using more than 2-3 cores because the consoles use more. Second getting a better cpu gives you less to worry about in the future. The 8320 is 41% fast in multi-threaded performance, which would benefit you for your video editing. It is only 12% fast in single threaded performance but the fx-series kind of already struggles in that areas so anything is better. I don't know how extensive of gaming you will be doing but as stated before, gpu will make the biggest difference in most games, but mmo's, rpgs, and dense populated games will affect your cpu. Also the fx-4130 isn't good for real gaming.
Anyways, I'd say spend for the 8320
Edit: Also assuming you are U.S and have access to Newegg, the 8320 is 30 bucks more unles you were looking at the 8320E.