`How much should I sell my pc and monitor for?


Dec 6, 2016
Hello There, I have a gaming pc and a gaming curved monitor I need to sell. My pc specs are below.
AMD Eight-Core FX-8320 Vishera Processor

8GB system memory

1TB hard drive

24x double-layer DVD+/-R/RW/CD-R/RW drive

10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet

AMD Radeon RX-460 Graphics

My Monitor is this link https://www.asus.com/us/Monitors/ROG-SWIFT-PG348Q/ I see the monitor being sold for 1,100-1,400
Well it's a $100 GPU and a $1000 monitor. It would be tough to find a buyer for something like that. The buyer would only buy it for the monitor and to make money reselling the PC.

That monitor would be best used with a GTX 1070 or better. But you've got it with an entry-level RX 460. I don't want to sound rude, but nobody would want that combo because it would be a large waste of cash for mostly a very poor gaming experience.

So you would have to take a loss to get someone to buy the whole thing. The only way I'd buy that is if I could get the monitor for the same price as the recertified one on Newegg and the PC for little to nothing.
I would sell the monitor separately. (The RX 460 will not perform well at 1440p, experience won't be satisfying. Plus it's a Nvidia G-Sync monitor and you have an AMD GPU.)

For system: $350-$400

That monitor can be bought re-certified for $949 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236751&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Monitors+-+LCD+Flat+Panel-_-N82E16824236751&gclid=CjwKCAjw6szOBRAFEiwAwzixBWthwNEc2FabglWT9G0amsIDNOYxX818yfiRKmncGjMF7Ed6WgMpxxoCxloQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

But You can list it for more, someone might buy it especially if it's like new.
Well it's a $100 GPU and a $1000 monitor. It would be tough to find a buyer for something like that. The buyer would only buy it for the monitor and to make money reselling the PC.

That monitor would be best used with a GTX 1070 or better. But you've got it with an entry-level RX 460. I don't want to sound rude, but nobody would want that combo because it would be a large waste of cash for mostly a very poor gaming experience.

So you would have to take a loss to get someone to buy the whole thing. The only way I'd buy that is if I could get the monitor for the same price as the recertified one on Newegg and the PC for little to nothing.

$1300 really? FX-8320 systems are pretty much worthless anymore with Ryzen and new Intel CPUs coming in the next few weeks. You will get some money for the monitor but you will not get the full retail price for it..

$1100 for the monitor and $200 for the rest - not THAT unreasonable. I went with whatever the low end the OP saw.


I checked a lot of the listings on eBay for that monitor - the prices should not be that high unless there's not much availability of that particular monitor. Even if it's a $1000 display new, used should fetch around $600 - $700 for it.

Yeah agreed, if you want to get any money, you're probably better off stripping the parts and selling them individually rather than sell the system as a whole.