How much Watt do i need for this System?


Apr 19, 2013
Hello everyone

Im gonna upgrade my CPU - Motherboard(Asrock Z77 Pro3) - and to an 8GB corsair vengeance ram(from 6gb)
I will also get another Case ( Corsair carbide 500r) because my Case is too small. Its a Desktop PC Acer Aspire M3400 i only upgraded the PSU and the graphics card

My CPU right now = Amd Athlon ii x4 640 3.0ghz (95W)
graphics card = sapphire radeon 6870 1gb

My question is will my PSU be enough for overclocking the i5-3570k(77W) to 4.2ghz with an EKL Alpenfoehn Cpu cooler.

My PSU is a BE QUIET! 530W L7-530W PURE-Power BQT 80Plus certified
Can i overclock my Cpu without overheating anything or do i need another PSU and if yes which one?

Hope someone can help me:)
You can overclock them both. They won't use a ton more power than they already do. Your CPU now will use the same power as the overclocked i5. Don't worry about it.

Are u totally sure? Because when i played Metro 2033 on Max settings Resolution 1280x1024 my graphics card had 75°C to 77 is it because of the Small case because of bad airflow or...?


Dont you also need some Wattage for overclocking the CPU ? and what happens if i overclock the cpu and the graphics card when i have all my parts? also, thank you alot for your response :)


Ok, thank you alot sir :)