How much will cost gtx 1000 series after new gpu release?

sorry my crystal ball is being cleaned so i can't gaze into the future for you. 😀

however, historically prices drop a little bit after a new release but not a lot. then they creep back up as stock dwindles. take a look around for new cards from the last gen to get an idea. you won't be getting a 1060 for $50 a month after the new cards drop if that's what you're thinking. keep saving and buy the best you can afford when you are ready to buy. that's the best you can do really as prices will change often as time goes by.
Today, gtx10xx cards seem to be dropping because of the decline of the mining demand.

If you have a need now, buy now if you have the budget.

New cards will be sold at what the market will bear, mostly on a price/performance basis.

Anything stronger than the current top dog(GTX1080ti) will command a very high price initially and be in very short supply.