How much will crossfire help?


Jan 12, 2008
I'm playing Oblivion at very high settings with 8x antialising but my problem is that when I go outside the cities in day time i'm only getting about 20-30 fps. Inside the cities I get an average of about 50-60 fps. Also in the Crysis demo i'm getting about 25-30 fps on Very High but no antialising.
Any idia on how crossfire is going to affect my frames per second?
How much of an increase will it be?
Also will it be better to get a 4870 or a 4850 to do crossfire with my card?

Phenom II X3 720 BE
HIS HD 4850 turbo
Asus M4A78T-E motherboard
4GB DDR3 1333Mhz
I'm running games at 1280x1024 in an old monitor but I was thinking about getting a better one. Also do you think that prices will drop to around the $70 once the new cards come out?
I think it is really hard to tell any difference at all above 4xAA.
Outdoors, yes Oblivian will kill your frame rates.
Another 4850 would help quite a bit, even at your res.,
If you have an extra $100 you don't mind spending, I would go ahead and get another 4850. Cheap enough, a hundred bucks ain't much. Hell, a tank of gas and decent steak dinner will you set back a hundred these days.