How much would I get for my custom PC?

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Mar 10, 2015
I have a custom built PC that is about a year old excluding the Graphics card which is about to turn 5 years old. i know its pretty old but it still puts some good frame rates at OK settings on most games.

This is a picture from Piriform Speccy


The CPU is a Quad Core 3.8 GHZ and the RAM is 1333 MHZ, although the pictures show it running at idle speed.

my question is how much would i get for it? i put it up on craigslist asking for 400 dollars but I'm not entirely sure.

Thanks in advance!!
RAM is running at 1066 not 1333. DDR = double data rate. You are seeing actual speed but since it's DDR you double that for effective speed. DDR3 1600 shows as 800Mhz etc.

You could ask $400 but I would expect close to $300 as said above for the reasons he listed. Case and power supply will also affect value.
It's probably worth closer to 300, maybe less. The CPU is very weak, as is the 460, the ram isn't great, motherboard is not the greatest, and considering its age, overall it has very little value.
RAM is running at 1066 not 1333. DDR = double data rate. You are seeing actual speed but since it's DDR you double that for effective speed. DDR3 1600 shows as 800Mhz etc.

You could ask $400 but I would expect close to $300 as said above for the reasons he listed. Case and power supply will also affect value.
You might see some slight improvements with that build 😉

What you are selling is a perfectly decent entry level gaming computer. I had a GTX 460 1GB that I kept for over 3 years it was such a good card. As long as you are playing games before the 'next gen' stuff started coming out in early 2013 the 460 should max just about anything except Metro 2033. That was the one title I remember having to turn down the settings to make run smoothly.

well idk about that. I play WoW mainly and on max settings with NO AA i am averaging 40 fps in low populated areas and 20-30 in the city. plus when i play counter strike source with some friends, on maximum settings and aliasing, i average 40... i want VERY high fps with that 144 hz monitor cause my friends have good builds and there systems are amazing.
I never played WOW and I don't play really any online multiplayer games at all anymore. Guess I'm just too old to just sit there getting teabagged after getting killed by a 13 year old! :lol: So I guess I should have specified single player games or single player campaigns.

Either way the new build will max anything.

Few suggestions. DDR3 2400 is $75 for 8GB of GSkill Trident. Extra $5 well spent.

That power supply is amazing but unless you plan on running tri Sli with 3 x GTX 970s it's crazy overkill. Use this list for power requirements and the link in my sig for quality.

You can get a very good tier 1 unit for less than $100 that will power that system.

thanks for clarifying on that PSU i do plan to SLI in the future but didn't want to be stuck with an underpowered system, i chose a 750 watt EVGA gold rated PSU witch was 75 dollars. and i went ahead and changed the ram to the 2400 speed. also is a aftermarket cooler required for that cpu? i dont plan to overclock it as i see that 4 GHZ is fast enough as it is an i7.
You don't need aftermarket cooling unless you are overclocking. You could save even more money by going with an i7 4790 non 'k' and an H97 motherboard. All you lose is overclockability.
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