How old PSU I should look at?


Sep 10, 2011
I'm looking to replace the current PSU.

Any thoughts on how old PSUs I should be looking at? Newegg, ebay, tigerdirect, best buy, and etc are still selling PSUs made years ago. I even found some that was made in 2009.

I look anywhere I can to know when they were made or tested (reviews, 80 plus website).
I'm sure recent PSUs (2013-now) is better than PSU from 2012 and older. No?
I don't think you should be concerned about the year the PSU was first made. Granted its a computer part, but PSUs for the most part haven't changed much since they mostly just deal with managing the power, they don't change as rapidly as other computer parts.

If you see a really good solid PSU that was excellent quality in 2009 its still probably going to be better than a decent or half way good PSU from 2014.
I don't think you should be concerned about the year the PSU was first made. Granted its a computer part, but PSUs for the most part haven't changed much since they mostly just deal with managing the power, they don't change as rapidly as other computer parts.

If you see a really good solid PSU that was excellent quality in 2009 its still probably going to be better than a decent or half way good PSU from 2014.