How powerful is Crossfire 7950's?


Sep 6, 2014
Hey guys I recently ordered a 970, and r9 290 to test both out to see which one I enjoyed, both ended up having severe issues.. Great cards, better yet amazing untill they both died. So I decided while I already have a 7950, but buddy offered me his for $90.. And I'm debating if I should crossfire them, or just pick up a single card around $300-370

Um, if both cards died then there something severely wrong with your setup as the chances of both cards being bad from the manufacturers is really low. The 970 or a 980 would be your best bet as they use way less power and produce less heat than the AMD based cards.
There are a lot of games out there that have sli and xfire issues. If you have the cash get a single powerful gpu over a sli setup any day but if you are strapped on cash get the 7950 for xfire more bang for your buck with the xfire option but more performance with a single better card also what is your psu it could kill a gpu if its not strong enough to power it

Thanks, It's something to consider I appreciate it.
I ran them stock, for about an hour or so each, maybe more wasn't keeping track of time and one randomly powered off.. I powered down my system, re-checked all connections as well as trying it in my brothers computer and it would turn on for roughly 1 minute and immediately turn off. The R9 290 just shut off and would never power back up.
maybe you hit the bad spot on the gpu lottery and just got 2 bad GPUs but that is extremely rare.
Did you install drivers from the disc or there site? I mean I really cant see 2 GPUs failing so soon after installation around the same amount of time. Please list your full system specs
Two 7950 in crossfire will still give you very good performance. Your PSU is fine. I am curious as to what happened to the 970 and 290. Chance or both being bad are rare, but could happen.

For $90 bucks I think it is worth it to at least tide you over for a bit. Talk him down to $80 ...haha.

You did not offend me, you were just unclear in your previous answer. You had said they died in the original post, but alluded that they were still working by saying they had worked in your brother's system. I highly doubt that you happened to have run into the bad GPU situation with both cards. Please check the compatibility of your system so you do not kill any other cards. It sounds like your PSU needs swapped out as I'm guessing LilTwist was thinking as well. For a single GPU the 970 would be a great card, but the 980 if you could afford it would be better. The 7950 in crossfire would be a good setup until you had to upgrade to something better and it is correct that one single is preferred over SLI/crossfire. However, I personally like have two GPUs in SLI just incase I need the extra power for graphics or multi panel setups.
The cards did not work in my brothers computer I didn't say that.. I just said I tried them in his computer.. Anyway I've tried my friends GPU's as well as my 7950 all of which work perfectly fine.. So I'm not sure I have terrible luck and usually do hit bad lottery with most hardware or anything in life for that matter. Anyway I don't wanna drop $500+ on a gpu unfortunately so the 980 is out of question. I could however find a used 780 ti, or get a 970 again.
that would be your best bet is to go for "depending on how used" the used 780ti because that card is a monster and sits comfortably in between the 970 and 980 but if you want new then of course the 970 well because that is the only other choice you mentioned. Both of thoughs cards will allow you to run ultra settings on all games right now given your monitor is 1080p or less 1440p would be pushing it a small bit

I personally run two 780ti cards in SLI and they perform wonderfully. So, if you do want to go that route then I strongly do not recommend getting a used card. By the way it is possible that you had accidentally grounded out both cards as well. I did that on one of my 780tis and I had to RMA the GPU twice and EVGA finally just gave me a new card. However, I had put a water block and back plate to both cards which is probably when it grounded out.
Awesome, yeah I'm going to try to find a decently priced 780 ti, I found one that's $399 free shipping only bout 4 hours from my location.. But unsure because he said in description " new/other " somebody bought them and they weren't compatible in the system.. I'm curious who buy's a 780 ti without knowing Compatibility.
There's really no way I could have grounded them, I installed them the EXACT same way I have for over 10 years building PCs.. I made sure I have had no electricity running through me to create a ground. I was on tile as well as I made sure to touch some metallic objects to remove any electricity I could be carrying.