How safe is it for a monitor to keep physically shaking?


Jun 27, 2014
Hey everybody the problem i am having is that I share a computer desk with my little brother which is a big sturdy wooden desk big enough to fit both our monitors ands keyboards on. However ive noticed when he is using his computer such as getting on and off his chair, typing(he types way harder than me) or every now and again hitting the desk (raging at a game) throughout this entire time the monitors will shake sometimes quite hard and sometimes little barely noticeable shaking. However the point i am trying to get to here is that as i believe my monitor is constantly shaking seeming hes on his computer most of the time would this damage my monitor in any way?

This is my monitor -

As my monitor is bigger than his as he has my previous monitor which is a 23.7 inch where as my new one(above) is 27 inch I am worried that as mine is bigger and the frame is much thinner that it may not be as stable and able to withstand such constant shaking. Also as you can see from the picture the monitor does not meet the stand in the middle instead it is at the side which again makes me wonder whether this monitor can take such shaking.

Thanks for your time :)

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