How safe is it to delid a CPU?


Aug 1, 2013
^As the title suggests, how safe is it to delid a CPU?

(Any CPU in general, but the one I'm considering deliding is my 8700k)

How about with a deliding tool?

Have you every done it? How much did it help temperatures if at all?

Have you ever broken a CPU doing this?

Would you suggest that someone that wants to push the overclock on their CPU as far as humanly possible do so?


It's not as safe as leaving it alone.

For delidding, that should be the LAST thing you consider:
If you are on the hairy edge of OC
and if the reason you can't push it farther is due to actual thermal throttling
and if you've explored all other cooling options
and if you're prepared to toss the CPU in the trash if it goes wrong..

Then maybe a...

How much did it reduce your temperatures and what cooler are you using?

And are those the only 2 CPUs you have delidded? Or are there others?

It's not as safe as leaving it alone.

For delidding, that should be the LAST thing you consider:
If you are on the hairy edge of OC
and if the reason you can't push it farther is due to actual thermal throttling
and if you've explored all other cooling options
and if you're prepared to toss the CPU in the trash if it goes wrong..

Then maybe a delid is for you.

But if all you get is a temp reduction from 75C to 65C, then it serves no purpose. You'll not gain any "performance" benefit.