How Safe Is Port Forwarding?


Sep 30, 2014
So I know the answer to this question was all over the internet but what I seemed to get was that port forwarding is safe as long as no-one hacks me. I want to port forward Assassin's Creed Unity because of strict NAT issues and possibly other games in the future (PC). While the internet seems to be able to tell me how to port forward, I would like to know whether it really is safe and if it isn't, how risky it really is. I only plan on port forwarding popular games, nothing shady.
My router connects wireless to a booster which is then wired to my PC.

Thanks in advance for any replies
If the port would normally be open then you are NO more at risk than you were before. Ports have to be open to allow your game to "talk" to the net. Now opening a port that was NOT open before incurs some risk but less than you get by opening your browser and clicking a link. With good anti-virus, malware programs, and firewall you should be fine.

So am I able to port forward to my PC if it's connected via a booster? And is port forwarding safe? I hear that by forwarding, I'm opening up my router which could act as a gateway to hackers.
If the port would normally be open then you are NO more at risk than you were before. Ports have to be open to allow your game to "talk" to the net. Now opening a port that was NOT open before incurs some risk but less than you get by opening your browser and clicking a link. With good anti-virus, malware programs, and firewall you should be fine.

Fantastic, thank you, will get straight to it. Some final advice. Would I be safe with AVG free, windows 10 firewall and malware bytes free?
I would think so. I use Avast (rated lower than AVG some places--switched from AVG because of nags "I don't want to know my AV is there..just shut up and do your job! LOL) and MB and have never been seriously infected (running same win7 build/installation for over 2 years!! dual boot 10.....Smech...still don't like it---driver issues still)
Not a gamer myself but finding the need to port forward to play these games odd. PF is for the server to independently contact you (initiates the conversation). Don't YOU initiate the conversation by making a request to the server, "hey am here and ready to play?"

Well I was having issues with a strict NAT and the ubisoft page told me is was probably my ports, anyway, almost all are forwarded, just having an issue forwarding UDP