How should I have my RAM setup?


Feb 24, 2017
My online friends are all saying different tips about RAM. "You should just get one stick of how much RAM you want 1x8GB" "If you get two sticks like 2x4GB it will run faster" "its best to have 4 small sticks of ram 4x2GB" etc

I'm shooting to get DDR4-3000 btw, if that matters
Well you want 2 sticks so your in dual channel (faster) and to be able to add more later on when you need more ram. so if you only have 2 slots getting one 8gb stick makes sense. If your going to upgrade to 16 just add another 8gb stick. but if you have 4 slots 2x 4gb sticks would be faster and you could just add 2 more...
Well you want 2 sticks so your in dual channel (faster) and to be able to add more later on when you need more ram. so if you only have 2 slots getting one 8gb stick makes sense. If your going to upgrade to 16 just add another 8gb stick. but if you have 4 slots 2x 4gb sticks would be faster and you could just add 2 more...

So 2 sticks of 4GB is better than 1 stick of 8GB (I only need 8GB) thanks for answering

Thanks for answering. I don't intend to play any huge triple A title games anytime soon, so I don't think I'll need anymore than 8GB of RAM. Considering RAM prices have skyrocketed I'd just stick with 8