How should I keep my graphics card safe?


Jul 24, 2013
I've got a graphics card that I need to take somewhere but I don't have the original box it came in so I don't know how to take it there. Would a plastic ziploc bag and/or small cardboard box work?
Put it in an anti-static bag, seal it, then put it in whatever container you feel will keep it best protected from impacts. The biggest danger is having an impact chip off a resistor/capacitor/etc from an exposed part of the board, so maybe wrap it in a bit of bubble wrap before putting it in the container of your choice.
It might not hurt to surround the Ziploc bag with newspaper as well. Try to not touch the card any more than necessary and not while traveling across carpet or other surfaces that might invoke static. In fact, it would be best to transfer it to the bag and then box immediately to minimize any chance of static.
The box I'm using were from my speakers I recently bought and they're not perfectly insulated with some tiny holes in the bottom.

So I can just put the card in a plastic ziploc bag, stuff the box with a bit of newspaper, and just put it in the box correct? There isn't much risk of damaging the card? I'll be holding onto the box the entire time so I'll take extra care.