How should I replace my FX 8150?


Nov 22, 2012
Long story, but I need to replace my 8150. Pretty sure it crapped out with my old mobo, perhaps due to some heat issues.

I would go the intel route but I have already replaced my previous board with a nice Asus M5A97 which people tell me is really good. I play games like BF3 from time to time but really not that often. I need what really amounts to a stop gap chip that can get me by playing all the latest games for the next few years before I trade up.

My case is an HTPC style which may lend itself to heat issues (despite four case fans and a CM Gemin sII 524). I'm thinking if I go with a FX 6300 I might have lower heat issues, as it draws far less juice than what I had previously. Would I be right ? Any suggestions would be welcome.
FX 6300 would be as good as it gets. I am well aware of the existence of the 6350 but you are using a HTPC styled case so I wouldn't get it. Sure at stock it's faster but it uses a lot more power. You can also get an i3 which uses even less power, at stock both these CPUs trade blows. Once you OC the 6300 it will beat the i3.