No, Crysis 3 is said to be a "monster" to GPUs (Crytek said it). I don't think it will suffice to play at a high settings. However, the Medium-low (not low-medium) will probably give you reasonable fps.
I remember seeing in some video that some guy got 41.9 FPS with a 690 at 1080p.. Scary stuff, although since the 7970 is roughly equal to a 590, its safe to assume an 8970 is roughly a 690 and so the next generation of cards will be fine. At your low resolution, it might be fine, but definitely not at high settings. Use Crysis 2 with MaldoHD 4.0 to get a rough answer.
You'll find out when they release it won't you? Just like the rest of us.
Probably. It uses the same engine as crysis 2 and can handle that on very high at 1680x1050 under DX11. But all crysis games seem to be very poorly coded. Does fine in BF3 too. With you being at such low resolution I wouldn't worry. Maybe have to turn down some junk no one notices
well I mean his resolution isnt that high, he might be able to pull it off without AA/AF and GPU killer settings ? maybe game booster software would help him squeeze more fps's in there somewhere
May be a really late reply to this thread, but just in case you still haven't got the game...I can run it on High with V-Sync off with my 7770 2GB. But online is VERY laggy. It's just the servers/ my internet I guess. Changing the settings doesn't seem to do anything.
i would wait till the actual game comes out and not judge from the alpha, it will be more optimised, but they will also add larger textures and other bits and pieces to make the game more taxing, but look even prettier.
Texture res - very high
AA - SMAA x2
System spec - high
try these settings and you'll probably have at least 35+ fps on your resolution. there is no reason to set the texture res to anything lower than very high believe me.